Chapter 42
65 Anonymous Player
Hurry up and shut down the service already, this game sucks.
66 Anonymous Player
Oh, here comes another loser from the first match.
67 Anonymous Player
>>66 No, I had some debt and didn’t log in for a few days, then I couldn’t log in anymore.
68 Anonymous Player
>>67 LOL, you got stuck there?
69 Anonymous Player
Reposting beginner strategies:
If you have no debt:
→ Select the arena and battles from your device. You can’t use the hangar, but if you’re a Beastkin or Cyborg, you might be able to win. Make sure to choose players as opponents, not ark crew members.
If you have debt:
If you’re good at fighting, I recommend gearing up and hitting the arena constantly. Or you could try betting like crazy to scrounge up some cash. (But be careful, debt increases in real-time.)
By the way, the system where you starve to death if you don’t eat anything is still around. I recommend eating regularly (super expensive) while you’re logged in.
All in all, it’s a shitty game, so if you fail, just give up.
70 Anonymous Player
This game is probably done for. There are clearly some strong players on the management side.
71 Anonymous Player
I want Orange to come so the login restrictions get lifted soon.
72 Anonymous Player
Lately, there’s been an increase in people photoshopping in-game documents and posting them as if they were from Orange. What do you think about that?
73 Anonymous Player
>>72 I’m from that board, but the update frequency has changed from anytime to once every 2 weeks if conditions are met, so it doesn’t seem like we can get results right away. But there are quite a few collaborators, so we might be able to manage something. For now, we’ve attacked Horizon.
74 Anonymous Player
>>73 Oh, so they’re making the same moves as Orange and trying to get updates and login restrictions lifted? Does that mean a second Orange is coming?
75 Anonymous Player
>>74 No, I don’t know anything. I mean, someone named Orange did it, right? If the company complains, it’ll probably go to that guy.
76 Anonymous Player
LOL, he’s being made into a scapegoat. Speaking of which, what’s Orange up to?
77 Anonymous Player
>>76 He didn’t seem to interact much with other players to begin with, but now he’s completely gone. I checked his match history and he’s not there, so maybe he quit?
78 Anonymous Player
However, it seems that the leaking of confidential information by Orange (false accusation) is still ongoing.
79 Anonymous Player
For equipment, I also recommend buying a used Apollyon. Supply and demand are completely broken, so used ones are insanely cheap. Before, repairing one alone cost as much as dozens of powered suits, so the difference is huge.
80 Anonymous Player
It’s even weirder that there were people who could use Apollyons at the previous stage.
81 Anonymous Player
I bought an exit permit, what should I get next?
82 Anonymous Player
>>81 A protective suit. It allows you to protect yourself from “Moses’ Sword” and start hunting Machine Beasts outside.
83 Anonymous Player
>>81 Food and water. Prices have settled down a lot now that the influx of players has ended. The amount circulating in the market seems to assume there are no players, so it’s rising right now.
84 Anonymous Player
>>81 Equipment, above all else. You’ll keep losing money to buy food, so you need to be able to consistently make up for that.
85 Anonymous Player
>>82, 83, 84 Thanks. I’ve paid off my debt and have some leeway, so I’ll think about various things.
86 Anonymous Player
Hey, check out the 107th match!!!
87 Anonymous Player
Orange!?!? With that mask shape and that mech, this has to be the real deal, right?
88 Anonymous Player
The real one is here!!!
89 Anonymous Player
He’s struggling quite a bit… or so I thought, but that’s a crappy machine from the previous version. He did well to win with that.
90 Anonymous Player
Please! Lift the login restrictions! I don’t care if it’s the real one or not, just hurry up!
91 Anonymous Player
Also, the previous channel hasn’t been banned yet, so hurry up and do something to get banned. It’s a blemish on your record.
92 Anonymous Player
Normally, getting banned would be the blemish on your record.
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