「I wholeheartedly commend protagonists who reincarnate in fantasy otherworlds. I mean, think about it. They’re living in a world without – hold on – the internet! And I’m not talking about how they train or their OP cheat powers. It’s amazing that they can simply exist there. Honestly, I’d rather drop dead. Why, you ask? ‘Cause there’s no Twitter in those fantasy worlds, duh! No handy smartphone to casually scroll through followers’ tweets, no trending topics from retweets. It’s super impressive… living without Twitter. Sure, these otherworlds have their own fun – battles, food, romance, y’know? But for me? I kinda have no physical form, like a ghost, since I came to this otherworld. So, I can’t enjoy any of that. And tourism? Just keeping up with followers’ tweets or looking at retweeted photos is tourism enough for me. Twitter really is the bee’s knees.
Wait, did you just think, “Why not create Twitter then?” Crossed my mind too. But, look. No electricity in this world. Heck, not even carriages! Forget plumbing, there’s not even a well. How do they get water, you wonder? Magic, my friend. Everyone can use water magic, so no one’s thirsty. There’s also this ‘information magic’ for telepathy and translation, but there’s no printing technology. It’s kinda unscientific… To create the internet with this world’s tech level, and get everyone on Twitter? It’d take centuries! We’d have to start with electricity. Light bulbs became practical around 1870, so… around 150 years? Oops, might have exaggerated a bit. But I can’t wait that long! I’m dying of boredom and I wanna tweet NOW!
So here I am, in a body that can’t even sleep, talking to imaginary followers in the void. What do you think, followers? Sigh, what am I even doing? And why isn’t this girl waking up? She’s my only conversation partner. Ugh, I really wish I could cheat my way into creating Twitter in this fantasy world right NOW!」
Twitter Addict, Creating Tweeter in Another World